[ST185] JDM

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Re: [Toyota Celica ST185] JDM

Messagede wala » 09 Avr 2009, 12:21

rhum-rhum a écrit:Have you something for 71-77's celica in your club ?
exhaust or bumpers for ta 28 for exemple.. or handlight's gloves box for TA22 ?


Je pense , non. :(
I believe we do not, the oldest Celica around here I have seen is the model after 1978 - generation 2.

By the way I am also looking for this type (Gen 1) of Celica myself as slow restoration project.
I have seen these Celicas a few times on American Auto Auctions. And then I believe Denmark, Sweden and Finland are great places to look for old cars and cars for spares. Have not had time and opportunity to search in deep in those countries, but I know here in Latvia a number of oldtimers coming form there.
In Denmark they use old cars for real long time - the taxes are high for new cars.
Sweden and Finland - they have lots of country houses with large barns, sheds etc. - and they just throw those old cars somewhere in the corner and leave there. ;)
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Messages: 32
Inscription: 07 Avr 2009, 18:04
Localisation: Lettonie

Re: [Toyota Celica ST185] JDM

Messagede tonton lédenon » 09 Avr 2009, 19:03

Hééééééé Merde je comprend rien a vos conneries moi :( :(

quesqui dit lui MET DE L' HUILE PETIT HOMME http://video.mytaratata.com/video/iLyROoaftl8S.html
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tonton lédenon
Messages: 125
Inscription: 20 Fév 2009, 14:32
Localisation: sous le pont du GARD

Re: [Toyota Celica ST185] JDM

Messagede TokyoMartin » 09 Avr 2009, 21:48

white spirit a écrit:I understand nothing

Et c'est encore pire en letton... :lol: :lol:
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Inscription: 12 Mar 2009, 19:42
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Re: [Toyota Celica ST185] JDM

Messagede wala » 21 Avr 2009, 21:02

Well just now it was brought to my attention thet this particular JDM CELICA GTFour Grp A is one very strange peace of machinery.
The modification code is : ST185H-BLMVZ

number of parts I have found out is different form any other ST185 seen. MAF is different, Oxygen sensor is not in the standard place. Front brake discs have 2 cylinders instead of 1 etc.

Maybe someone around here has seen anything similar ?!?!? Could it be that Swiss domestic market Celicas also have some differences or maybe similarities with mine ?!?!?

As far as the parts catalog goes it differs from any other ST185 even RC/CS !!!
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Messages: 32
Inscription: 07 Avr 2009, 18:04
Localisation: Lettonie


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